Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Who will they become?

Last night, I sat watching my 22 month old son and my 5 month old daughter. Each day, they change so much and I see more of their personality emerging. I began to wonder what they will be like when they are teenagers, adults, parents, etc. Who will they become? I grew up believing that a person can be ANYTHING they choose to be, and I will instill that in my children as well. I look at them now and wonder if one will be a future president, a teacher, a famous sports star, a homemaker, etc.

Are we born with our future planned? I don't believe so. I do believe we have talents that we are born with, but we have to discover them before we can make the most of them. How will I encourage my children to find out what are the talents they were born with? Getting them involved in a variety of activities is my goal. When Treyton was born, he had the linebacker build that most football coaches drool over, so I assumed he might play football. Instead, he has LOVED dribbling a ball since about 14 months. I had no idea it was not typical until a visit to his doctor. He can dribble almost ANY ball you give him, most often 5 to 15 times, without even looking. So, it seems that already his talents are beginning to show. Although he might play football someday, I have no doubt that he has the potential to become quite a star in basketball, as well.

Molly is very young still, but has a happy, bright personality that lights up a room. She wakes up happy, smiles all the time and loves to be around people. I have no doubt that her future will include working with people in some capacity. I just pray she will remain the optimist and happy person that she is today.

The other thought that goes through my mind as I look at my precious babies is about the prisoners in the world. As my mind drifts to a serial killer, I wonder how he or she was as an infant. Were they happy? Were all their needs met? What happened to cause them to stray from a life in the outside world? My heart aches for the innocent infant they were in the past.

I just pray that my babies will know I believe in them always and hope they will change the world they have been born into.

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